Convert Uppercase to Lowercase Online

At some point we've all been through the sad moment when you realize that everything you wrote really should have been in lowercase!

The LBR TEAM has grown tired of rewriting texts for such simple mistakes. For that reason, we developed a tool (very easy and basic), which is used to convert all your texts into:

  • Uppercase to lowercase: It converts all text characters to lowercase and is very useful for creating metatags, URLs o image names.
  • Lowercase to uppercase: Convert all characters in the text from lower case to upper case (this option is essential for our blog titles or proper names, cities or when you are referring to something important).
  • Capitalize case: Capitalizes the first letter after each period or space and is great for eye-catching CTAs or Meta Titles.
  • Capital letters after period: Change the first letter (after each point), capitalized (this section will be vital for you, if you are one of those who forgets to write capital letters after a point).

As you will see, our case sensitive tool is also very useful when it comes to SEO of your website, since all our metaTags, urls and names for images must have all lowercase letters. This resource is also perfect for carrying out other actions that make our texts more attractive and organized. Dare to use this tool in your SEO strategies, and give your sentences, CTAs, Metas OR URLs, a new image, in just a couple of seconds!